Join the Muleteam this Saturday March 1st for a special relaxing and fun event: our 15th Annual Potluck Riverside Picnic along the San Pedro River. We start at the Historic Fairbank Townsite and walk along a flat and easy trail, first to see the 100+ year old cemetery and then mill ruins until we get to the river in only about 1½ miles. At the riverside, we spread out the tablecloths, put out the food and drinks and have a long, relaxing lunch. We ask that everyone bring some food or drink to share. Beer & wine are welcome. All the plates, utensils and glasses will be provided. After lunch, everyone has the option to either return to Fairbank the way we came or continue the longer loop route along the river (about 4 more miles).
Join the Muleteam this Saturday March 1st for a special relaxing and fun event: our 15th Annual Potluck Riverside Picnic along the San Pedro River. We start at the Historic Fairbank Townsite and walk along a flat and easy trail, first to see the 100+ year old cemetery and then mill ruins until we get to the river in only about 1½ miles. At the riverside, we spread out the tablecloths, put out the food and drinks and have a long, relaxing lunch. We ask that everyone bring some food or drink to share. Beer & wine are welcome. All the plates, utensils and glasses will be provided. After lunch, everyone has the option to either return to Fairbank the way we came or continue the longer loop route along the river (about 4 more miles).
Meet March 1st at 9 am by the Old Bisbee courthouse, from which we can carpool to the Fairbank Townsite parking lot. Alternatively, hikers may meet us at about 9:40am at Fairbank. The trip is about 40 minutes from Bisbee: Route 80 past Tombstone, left on Route 82 across from the Checkpoint for about 6 miles. Fairbank lot is on the right. For any questions, contact Doug at (520) 432-0307 or reiniger@wyoming.com.
BACKTRACK - Mt Ballard
9 hikers and 2 dogs started the trek up Mt. Ballard at 9:15 a.m. on a perfect hiking weather day (sunny with a cool breeze). The Mt. Ballard hike is a rather unending uphill, but oh, the views along the way! Eventually one hiker and their dog turned around, but we were surprisingly met halfway up the climb by two other Muleteam hikers who'd gotten an earlier start. By 10:45 a.m. we were all at the summit and enjoying the fact that the uphill climb was finally over. After a break and group photo we started back downhill, all arriving at the Divide wall by 12:15 p.m. Dave and Amy Reed kindly offered to host drinks at their place (thanks again, Dave and Amy!) across the road, and we all enjoyed drinking a cool beverage in the shade accompanied by some great conversation. All in all a wonderful day. - Deb
Other Photos: Picacho Peak 2014 - 20th Anniversary Photo Book
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SCHEDULE 2024-2025
8 - China Camp in the Dragoons with Sandy
15 - Lower Miller Canyon in the Huachucas with Amy and Dave Reed
22 - Guindani Trail in the Whetstones with Monica
29 - Douglas hike or Cochise Stronghold with Kelly
5 - Parker Canyon Lake and wine tasting with Doug
12 - Old Bisbee art stairs with Larry
19-20 - Rucker hike and campout in the Chiricahuas with Carol
26 - South Perimeter Trail in the Huachucas with Ed King
3 - West Tombstone Canyon last hike and potluck with Susan Mayes
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