Carr House

Join the Muleteam this Saturday May 4th to be treated to a free personalized educational presentation by Mike Foster, Muleteam old-timer and host of Carr House Information Center in the Huachuca Mountains. Mike will share one of his video presentations and the many exhibits of the historical, geological, and ecological highlights of the mountains. After our time with Mike at Carr House, he will lead us on a short and easy nature and history hiking trail. This will be a very unusual Muleteam day, with families and children welcome. There are picnic facilities and natural and cultural history displays and games. Meet at 9:00am on May 4th at the Courthouse fountain for carpooling. Take Route 80 to 92 from the Bisbee Circle toward Sierra Vista, then turn on Carr Canyon Road for 2.2 miles to Carr House. For questions, contact Mike at

BACKTRACK - Miller Peak
Five hikers enjoyed lovely vistas while traversing the ridgeline of the southernmost range of the Huachucas.  The weather was cool and breezy, perfect for a long, strenuous hike up to Miller peak.  Three hikers reached the peak and were awed by the 360 degree view of Cochise County and Mexico.  Cananea stockpile, Parker Lake, Dragoon and Mount Wrightson were visible on the horizon.  The three hikers that made it to the peak arrived back just in time to watch a beautiful sunset accompanied with a large hawk floating stationary in the air currents and then suddenly taking a sharp dive right after the sun went down. - Carol

More recent photos at Photos 2023-24. Try adding your own. 
Past seasons: Photos 2022-23 - Photos 2021-22 
NEW! Link to photos from Picacho Peak 2014

SIDETRACK - Subscribe for the email
The web page has the current hike and schedule. Also go there to subscribe to the Muleteam weekly email. 
• With a computer/laptop add your email address in the subscription box upper right. 
• To subscribe by phone scroll to the bottom and click "view web version", click the subscription box to enlarge and add your email address.

CALENDAR 2023-2024

11 - Coronado Cave and season end potluck with Doug