China Camp

Join the Muleteam this Saturday, March 8th, for a hike in the Dragoon Mountains on an old mining road with wonderful views. This hike starts with little elevation gain then changes to a moderate uphill to the camp ruins and down the same way for a little more than 5 miles total. Lunch will be by a creek, and there will be no climb to the peak! Bring water and lunch. Dogs welcome. Back mid-afternoon. Meet Saturday by 9am at the Old Bisbee Courthouse fountain to carpool (about an hour). Free, but gas donation is appreciated. For more details contact Sandy at (520) 353-5124 or

Alternate meeting spots:
Anyone wanting to can meet the group at the turnoff from Hwy. 80 onto Middlemarch Road. Please be there by 9:30. We will drive on Middlemarch Road about 1-3/4 mile beyond where the road branches off to the left toward Slavin Gulch and Council Rocks. There is a large dirt parking area on the left where we will park and start hiking. 

BACKTRACK - Fairbank 
The 2025 San Pedro Riverside Picnic was one of the best in our 15-year history. Twenty-two hikers and one dog took advantage of this wonderful hike on a sunny and slightly breezy day. As planned, we spread out the tablecloths in the shade of a giant Cottonwood tree, put out the food and drinks and had a very long and relaxing lunch. Our tradition of many kinds of delicious homemade food, starting with wine and Laura’s Margaritas, continued as strong as ever with contributions by new Mules. When we reluctantly returned to the trails, about half of the group continued back to Fairbank on the trial along the river/train track and the other half took the same path back. We all arrived at about the same time with fond memories. - Doug

More photos at Photos 2024-25 - Join the page and add a few of your own photos.

Archive Photos:

SIDETRACK - shirts?
Surplus Muleteam shirts for sale: 2 regular and 2 large, $15 each
Text Larry at 520-224-4951

Subscribe for the email
The web page has the current hike and schedule. Also go there to subscribe to the Muleteam weekly email. 
• With a computer/laptop add your email address in the subscription box upper right. 
• To subscribe by phone scroll to the bottom and click "view web version", click the subscription box to enlarge and add your email address.

SCHEDULE 2024-2025

15 - Lower Miller Canyon in the Huachucas? with Amy and Dave Reed
22 - Guindani Trail in the Whetstones with Monica
29 - Douglas hike or Cochise Stronghold with Kelly
5 - Parker Canyon Lake and wine tasting with Doug
12 - Old Bisbee art stairs with Larry
19-20 - Rucker hike and campout in the Chiricahuas with Carol
26 - South Perimeter Trail in the Huachucas with Ed King

3 - West Tombstone Canyon last hike and potluck with Susan Mayes

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