8am Brown-Ramsey

Time Change...
The meeting time is now 8am for the Brown-Ramsey hike.

Join the Muleteam this Saturday for a "Two For One Hike" in the canyons & foothills of the Huachuca Mountains. The trail is about 6.5 miles total (using a shuttle) with grasslands, forest, steep hillsides and two canyon creeks. Bring water and lunch, but no dogs into Ramsey. Back mid-afternoon. Meet April 18 at 8am by the Old Bisbee courthouse fountain. Free, but no carpooling for now from courthouse. Special social distancing shuttle procedure is an alternative being considered. Dogs are ok if they go to the lunch spot and return the same way. For more details contact Brad at bradward.j3@juno.com or call 432-2476.

Social Distance Shuttling
Several alternatives for return to trailhead are being considered. Background below is being provided to facilitate a short discussion at courthouse meeting site. -Brad

My idea is to take, just before beginning the hike, two vehicles to the Ramsey preserve entrance where I found a foolproof parking space for one vehicle despite the Preserve front gate being locked. Each vehicle will have only one occupant, a driver, so no problem there, so far. Then one vehicle will carry those TWO occupants back to the trailhead parking lot on RC Road. During the one minute trip back down the road, the passenger will hold his or her head out the window!!, thereby breathing in an outside space thoroughly separate from the interior air being breathed by the driver.

At the end of the hike the vehicle left parked will carry a driver and TWO passengers. The driver's window will be closed, so as not to contaminate outside air being breathed by a second passenger just behind the driver, this passenger's head being through an open window in order to breathe outside air.  The first passenger will do the same as was done on the drive before the hike. After reaching the trailhead parking lot, the driver will then drop off the two passengers, and all three will become drivers of vehicles to pick up two more separately-breathing passengers per vehicle at the Preserve, taking them back to the trailhead parking. This will continue until all hikers have been returned to the trailhead, in order to leave in their own cars, one per car. In more normal times, all this may sound complicated and silly, but no more so than protection now being recommended for enclosed indoor spaces.

If this idea is rejected, at least there will be a Plan B, involving hiking close to an extra two miles, first back over to the concrete horse spring in Brown Canyon, using the eroded road involved in Lynn's rescue, and then retracing our steps coming in. This will be a hiking experience on a trail hardly distinguishable from those on the rest of the hike, where no motor vehicles will be rushing past us as they would if we hiked an extra mile, in a Plan C, beside the Ramsey Canyon Road pavement back to the Brown Canyon Trail parking lot.


BACKTRACK -  Juniper Flats
Eleven hikers and Sheila began the hike up to the top of the mountains overlooking Bisbee. The day was cool, partly cloudy and a bit breezy but we all returned downtown dry. Three of us plus Sheila returned early via the Locklin trail while the rest of us continued on the ridge trail to Juniper Flats. We lunched near the beautiful pagoda that catches rainwater, filling up a cistern. We all chose a spot on the granite rocks overlooking Bisbee. The eight of us returned down Juniper Flats Road to West Blvd. at our own paces, enjoying the blooming spring flowers of the wisteria and Tombstone roses that line Tombstone Canyon Road. -Susan

More photos are at muleteam.shutterfly.com

Apr 25 - Rustler camping-hike in the Chiricahuas with John Wasser
May 2 - Carr Canyon to Bathtub Spring in the Huachucas with Molly

Thanks for hiking with me,

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