End of Season

 BACKTRACK -  Coronado Cave Hike and Potluck

It was a warm, breezy day for the cave hike & picnic with 15 people gathered at the trailhead. After a short hike everyone climbed down to the cave floor and explored the wide tunnel walking with our lights. The huge room at the end had smaller side tunnels including one that led to sunlight. On the return we turned off all our lights and saw the glowing teeth of the 'dragon' rock formation, and Lucia was brave enough to crawl through the narrow 'tube'. Then back to join a few others at the picnic area for the Muleteam's first potluck in over a year. This hiking season was challenging with masks and limited carpooling, and it was so nice to see faces and socialize normally again. We ate and drank and talked and laughed. Carol received a cake for her birthday, Elizabeth was applauded for her administration work and the day ended with John's bag toss game. An encouraging day for the next hiking season. See you then. -Larry

Additional photos at muleteam.shutterfly.com

HIKE LEADERS and the number of hikes they led this season...
Doug Reiniger - 3
Anne Reiniger - 2
Carol Chandler - 1
Lindsay Koehler - 1
Susan Mayes - 1
Stephen Sklarow - 2
Laura Smith- 3
Alice Klarke Heinecke - 1
Molly Smith - 2
Jan Bolduc - 1
John Wasser - 2
Sandy Heusman -2
Sue Logan- 1
Ken Heusman - 1
Larry Milam - 3
Paul Phillips - 1
Elizabeth Bernstein - 1
John Broz - 1
Cara Flickinger - 1

Thanks to you all, we made it through a challenging season. I look forward to seeing you all again in the fall, when hopefully things will be easier. Have a great summer, and look for us to start again in October! 

Keep on trekking,


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