Farewell, Peggy

 Peggy Louise Scanlon

July 5, 1938 - April 15, 2021

We have just learned that Peggy passed away earlier this year.

I knew Peggy as a Muleteam mainstay, an incredibly energetic hiker who told fascinating tales of her far-flung travels. Before leaving Bisbee in 2018, she welcomed Muleteam into her home many times for our holiday potluck. In Muleteam's early days she was among the pioneers who blazed many of our trails.

Rest in peace, Peggy, you will be missed!

- Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Peggy was a truly special person, and an inspiration for us as a world traveler and avid hiker. We enjoyed hiking with her on the many trails around Bisbee and her wonderful holiday parties every December. We were enthralled by her stories of travels. Her photo of a Burmese child, hanging in our home, is a fond reminder of Peggy.
    Doug & Anne Reiniger
