NW Mule Mtn

Join us for a “new-to-the-Muleteam” hike in the Mule Mountains on December 10th! This out-and-back hike has three stages: there is something for everyone on this route. There's an easy switchback ascent to a low hill with a shade structure and ample seating, followed by a walk along the ridge west toward the peaks, and an optional rock-scramble summit to "Mount Gordon." The full route is 3.1 miles total with 1,705 feet of elevation gain. You are rewarded with the best views, including Sierra Vista and the Huachucas. Even if you choose to do the whole hike and peak ascension, you would still be back by early afternoon. 

Gordon and Diana Douglas have graciously offered their property as access. We will meet at the courthouse at 9 am Saturday, Dec. 10 and carpool to their property, 3137 W. Hwy 80. It is on the left, about 3 miles after the Mule Pass tunnel between mile markers 337 and 336 when heading north on Hwy 80. After an orange mailbox on the left, look for the far end of a long guardrail, and the driveway is at the end of the guardrail on the left with a sharp left turn. We will put out an orange cone and a Mule team sign. Bring water and a snack lunch. Sunscreen is recommended as there is little shade. Hiking poles are optional, and dogs are welcome. Contact Susan Mayes at 610-220-5287 for more information.


BACKTRACK - Holenstein Mine
There were eight folks (no dogs) that began the hike on a cloudy day, seven persevered all the way up to the Mine.  The temperature was perfect with the cloud cover and the moisture in the air brought out all the wonderful smells of Fall foliage.  The hike was a  strenuous uphill and it started to rain just before we reached the mine.  The opening provided just enough shelter to give us a dry lunch spot where we enjoyed watching the clouds come up the canyon and eventually obscure the opposite mountainside.  We were all careful coming down the wet trail to avoid any unfortunate events.  I think everyone agreed it was a hard but really enjoyable hike!  -Sandy

More photos at muleteam.shutterfly.com



Dave Perry, Emergency First Aid expert with Bisbee Fire/EMS met with some Muleteam hikers on Saturday, December 3rd. Because of our concern about the possibility of another injury on one of our future hikes we asked Dave to tell us what might be available by way of emergency first aid training for us. Emergency treatment for sprains, fractures, cuts/bleeding, and chest pains/trouble breathing due to exertion or heat are the issues we are most interested in. Dave is willing to conduct training in multiple short (15-30 minute) sessions or in one 2-4 hour program. There is no charge.

We would like feedback as to who might be interested in participating, specific training you might want, and whether you would prefer one long training program or several short sessions on treatment for specific issues. With short sessions, you can come to some or all sessions, depending on what topics interest you. The sessions can be outside at the Courthouse fountain where we meet for hikes or at the Firehouse on Tombstone Canyon. 

Let us know before December 9th if
   •You are interested in this training
   •Whether you prefer several short sessions or one long session
   •Issues you are interested in

Once we get an idea of how many of you are interested, whether you prefer short or long sessions and what issues are most important to you, we will start working with Dave on scheduling. There is no question that this will not start until after the holidays in January or later. Contact Doug at reiniger@wyoming.com or (520) 432-0307 or text (307) 690-6625 for your feedback, comments/suggestions/preferences.



17 - Juniper Flats in the Mule Mountains with Brad
24 - Hike to the cross above Old Bisbee with Sandy 
31 - Old Bisbee Stair Sights hike with Larry

7 - Fort Bowie with Molly
14 - Beyond the Little Boquillas ranch near the San Pedro with Sandy
21 - Galena to Gold Gulch with Elizabeth

25 - Guindani Canyon in the Whetstone Mountains with Monica

4 - Fairbank and riverside picnic with Doug
18 - Joe's Canyon in the Huachucas with Brad

1 - Council Rocks in the Dragoons with Carol
7-8 - Chiricahua overnight at Turkey Creek with Carol
15 - Parker Canyon Lake and wine tasting with Doug

6 - Palominas San Pedro hike and farewell picnic with Ken

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