Bisbee to Juniper Flats

Join the Muleteam this Saturday for THE BEST views of Old Bisbee! This hike is 6.33 miles round trip. The hike starts up Clawson Ave. to High Road and then on to the City Trail and Ridge Trail. The most challenging section is climbing up to the Ridge Trail, where some light rock scrambling is required. You will be rewarded with the views, which get better and better as you ascend! If this is too difficult, there is an option to go the more well-traveled trail around the top. 
We will hike up and down the ridges (or around) overlooking town and lower Wildcat Canyon all the way to Juniper Flats. We'll eat lunch at the pagoda and enjoy the view. The return is ALL downhill, walking on Juniper Flats Rd. to West Blvd. and back down to Tombstone Canyon. Bring water, lunch, walking poles optional, dogs welcome.  Back early afternoon. Meet Dec. 9 at 9 a.m. by the Old Bisbee courthouse fountain. Free. For more details contact Susan Mayes at 610-220-5287. 

BACKTRACK - Ramsey Canyon
The hike in Ramsey Canyon from the Nature Conservancy Preserve up the canyon to an intersection with other trails was one of the most beautiful hikes the leader has taken in a long while. The total distance of the hike and the total elevation gain vary according to whose device is being checked. 
One hiker became separated from the group on the way up and due to being out of cell phone range at a crucial time, the hike leader unfortunately was not able to communicate and give directions to our location, but that hiker wisely returned to the starting point and was fine.
The others who did complete the hike, or completed most of the hike, agreed we were lucky to experience the leaf colors, the water in the creek and the views of Ramsey Canyon. 
Thanks to Larry, Anne and Doug for their efforts to insure parking and arrival for all. It turned out however, that the parking lot was not full when we arrived.  - Molly

More photos at Photos 2023-24. Try adding your own. 
Past seasons: Photos 2022-23 - Photos 2021-22


CALENDAR 2023-2024
Contact Doug at to add your hike to the list..

16 - Cochise Stronghold Trail in the Dragoons with Lindsay at 8am
23 - Bisbee Cross in the Mule Mtns
30 - Mural Hill in the Mule Mtns with Larry

- Perimeter trail in the Huachucas with Doug & Anne
13 - ???
20 - ???
27 - ???

10 - San Pedro river to the old car with Ken
17 - Sandoval family cross in the Mule Mtns with Lindsay

9 - Juniper Flats in the Mule Mtns from divide to towers with Brad
16 - Fairbank hike and San Pedro riverside picnic with Doug

- Parker Canyon Lake and optional Sonoita wine tasting with Doug
13 - Old Bisbee art stairs with Larry

- Carr House hike & presentation in the Huachucas with Mike Foster
18 - Hike and season end potluck

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